Thursday, February 1, 2018

2018 Lolita Wardrobe Post Part 2

Gloves and Socks

I put gloves and wristcuffs with the socks because gloves are hand socks. I don't make the rules. That's just a fact.

Gloves: Aliexpress/Taobao
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Aliexpress, Metamorphose, Angelic Pretty, AatP, MmM, IW, Lockshop (seriously a long time ago there was a pre order for these tights and they wer called Rote Rose or something. Anyone else remember this? lol)


Malco Modes has solid quality pettis and currently a bunch of stuff is one sale GOGOGO! I have to layer them, but if you're relying on pettis alone, you'll have to layer no matter what... well maybe not with a Me Likes Tea poof monster... But other than that. 

I got my Classical Puppets pettis in 2014 and I've never had any of the construction issues that people a year or so later complained about, so idk. They are still my go to pettis. I'll layer those with a MM petti for volume or wear the Classical Puppets petti over a cage skirt.

The cage skirts are SOOOOOO worth it. If you live in a hot climate, invest in one. The ones that Fan+Friend offers are adjustable, too. Don't worry about them being too big for a skirt. It just takes som fiddling to get it right. I always wear these with Perfume Bottle and Holy Lantern to get dat cupcake shape. They aren't really necessary for most A-line skirts, but you might still want one if it's hot and you don't want swamp petti.
Top Row (Left to Right)
1. Malco Modes | 2. Classical Puppets | 3. Malco Modes | 4. Fan+Friend
2nd Row (Left to Right)
3rd Row (Left to Right)
1. Malco Modes | 2. Malco Modes | 3. Classical Puppets | 4. Fan+Friend
Bottom Row (Left to Right)
1. Aliexpress | 2. Classical Puppets


Almost everything is offbrand. That wide bracelet was the one that I got from my great aunt that I thought I lost, but found in a shoe. lol Forever 21 has really great loliable jewelry just saying. I hit up their website every once in a while to see what they've got.

I've also got a Kate Spade bangle there.

The spoon necklace is from Taobao, the cross necklace is from Ank Rouge, and the rest is offbrand.


 Bad luck! I opened it indoors! 


I like where I am with shoes. I don't see myself getting more. I dont' have space anyway! (Like that'd stop me.)
Top Row (Left to Right)
1. Mojo Moxie | 2. Bodyline | 3. Bodyline | 4. Bodyline | 5. AatP
Middle Row (Left to Right)
1. Tra La La | 2. Nordstrom | 3. Bodyline | 4. Angelic Pretty
Bottom Row (Left to Right)
1. Aliexpress | 2. Melissa | 3. An-Tai-Na | 4. Mojo Moxy

Pending Dream Items
Seriously message me if you see these for sale, ok? If you want, tell me your dream items and I'll always be on the look out for you. Help a sister out. 

WINE COLORWAY ONLY (I've already got the kerchief headdress in wine.)

Wine colorway only, Size S, Short or Long ver.

Goals for 2018
I would like to get a more gothic style bag for coords with Royal Gate. The black bags that I have now dont' really go with it. Ideally Wunderwelt will have MmM rerelease their bat bag at a reasonable price. Cross your fingers!

I'd also like to get a black parasol for my Elizabeth ~Bride of Death~ coords. I feel like that'd be the best finishing touch and hearken back to her parasol shielding strategy for the papparazzi.

I would also like to get or make some aprons. Aprons are so cute and the element of layering while still being toned down appeals to me. I bought an assortment of patterns a year or so ago. I just need to get off my butt and make something. 

MY GLOVES ARE SO BAD. I currently have some replacements in a Taobao Shopping Service cart from an actual lolita accessories store from which I have seen examples of their gloves in person. I think a few more wrist cuffs would be nice, too. Maybe I'll make those.

Finally, I would liek to finish the hat that I started making to match Fleur Antoinette. I ordered mulberry paper flowers and leaves and everything. I just need to dye some white lace to a more ecru shade with tea. Wish me luck!

I hope that you enjoyed my wardrobe post. It's crazy to think that in 2006 ish I was looking forlornly at pictures online, not entirely sure if such a girly fashion would suit me and definitely unable to buy any of it. I'm so glad that I finally just jumped in and did it because I've met so many cool people and done so many fun things as a result. Thank you for being a great community on the whole that has welcomed me warmly! Here's to being kawaii af in 2018 and beyond!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

2018 Lolita Wardrobe Post Part 1

Hello everyone! 

Welcome to my 2018 Lolita Wardrobe post. I decided to go with this platform so that I could put everything in one place. LJ seems to be causing many people grief when they try to post. 

Before you begin, I want to say that I am a total amateur with photo editing. I only know what I've picked up editing selfies and coord shots over the years. Forgive me. lol

Main Pieces

This was my first brand piece and it's probably the most practical for the hot climate I live in. Thank you to the person who sold this to me! It is so simple and cute!

Like a lot of other lolitas, I am a huge fan of Sakizo and I am so happy that I own this OP. The necktie was missing when I bought it second hand, but it's just a brown ribbon, so I replaced it with a neck ribbon from one of my blouses.

During the beginning of the chocolate craze, I nearly spent scalper level money on a cut and color of Chess Chocolate that I wasn't completely in love with. Cooler heads prevailed thank goodness and I saved my money to get this JSK which I love. I recently wore it to the Museum of Ice Cream pop up in Miami. It was the perfect piece for that meet!

Antoinette Fleur? Fleur Antoinette? Idk man. I really like this design. Matching the blue ribbons is suffering though. I am in the middle of making a hat for this to match!

 While I'm not wild about the quality of the images on the fabric, I'm a sucker for mytholocical themes. It still looks nice as long as you're not all up in the blurry mess that the print is. lol

The nutcracker has always been one of my favorite ballets. I especially love the Second Act where Clara and the prince tour the land of sweets and all the costumes and dances are sweets and treats themed.

"Are salopette's lolita?" Idk man. But it's cute, so I'll wear it. I especially love the print of the mink fur at the hem. I'm also not entirely sure if the name is supposed to be Royal Rosette or Loyal Rosette. I haven't combed through japanese magazines when this was released, so I can't say for sure, but the crowns always make me wonder...

This is only slightly higher than my natural waist. The print is made in a way to look like a gobelin tapestry. I'm a sucker for historical throwbacks like that. I wore this to a Harry Potter concert where a live orchestra plays the film score. Two of the ushers told me that I won the unnofficial best dressed contest for that event.

One of the reasons why this whole wardrobe post was so late was because I was waiting for this to arrive. The piece is gorgeous and it's my first main piece from a Taobao brand. It was a bit difficult to capture the texture of the fabric with my camera, but the Lolibrary page has the official stock photos which are much better. My dressform also makes the back look a bit odd, but on me it looks fine.

When I found out that this tapestry became a print, I was all over it. À Mon Seul Désir is the most well known of the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries and it's so open to interpretation about the nature of the human soul/condition. It was also used in the Griffindor common room in the movie adaptations!

Even though this came out in 2010, it takes a lot of cues from Old School. I find myself nostalgic for Old School looks since it's those styles that I scoured Google images for in the early to mid 2000s. I now have my own little piece of Old School memories. I plan to wear this to my comm's Valentine's Day Tea. 

In 2016, I volunteered for a lolita fashion show at A-kon in Ft. Worth, TX. I was assigned to the Belladonna section and that's when I saw this piece. I didn't model this one, but I wanted it so bad. At the time I didn't have much extra cash after travelling all that way, so I stalked Lace Market after I got home. I was able to get it finally! Darwin has a special place in my heart as a scientist.

The moment I saw this dark forest/red ridinghood theme, I had to have it. I love fairy tale heroines so much. The mysterious and dark aesthetic is exactly what I love about lolita. It's a feeling of, "I'm beautiful and cute, but strange and powerful, so keep your distance." I'm pretty friendly in real life though I promise. I just like mysterious themes. ~aesthetic~ lol

Holy hell not again! AP did an MTO in 2015 and I went in on that. They have since had a few more rereleases. I really like the flocked print in this series. It's elegant but still cutesy. I am reminded of the trope of vampires who look really young, but are actually very old and powerful. Of course I also have some witch hats to coord with this. Who doesn't? Holy Lantern party at my house!

This print was my first dream print. I saved every single stock photo from AatP's listings to my computer. I was OBSESSED. So, naturally I got two... The bordeaux colorway is my favorite, but the black is great, too.

¿Por qué no los dos?

When I was in Mannheim, one of my teachers told our class about the Sissi trilogy that her grandma likes to watch during Christmas. You bet your frilly butt I found a torrent immediately. The first movie is my favorite because the plot is actually good, but all three are worth a watch for the costumes. Then I learned about that 1972 Ludwig movie where Romy Schneider reprises her role as Elisabeth and holy shit it's so gothic. The whole movie is an A+ recommendation from me for a classic/gothic feel. Empress Elisabeth was a very reclusive person and she was obsessed with beauty. She was eventually assassinated in 1898 by an anarchist. After the Märchen feel of the Sissi movies it can seem a bit odd that there's such a dark print associated with her, but then after that Ludwig movie and learning about how she was assassinated, it makes way more sense. 

The colorways of this print remind me of Swan Lake. The print on the skirt is actually printed onto tulle somehow. I wasn't expecting that when I ordered this, but it's interesting. Now if only Melissa would release their ballet heels again...

The character of Scheherazade (or Shahrazad) has always facinated me. She is the queen of dramatic timing. I love how she is so confident in her plan to save her life by telling stories. The stories themselves are as Scheherazade claims, very interesting. They involve loads of magic and mysterious happenings.

This dress was in my sights every since I saw the print. I love to go to Antique shops when I have time. I also like how there are elements in the print which suggest the shop is also a bit of a curio shop with astrological elements. I got the black version because it reminds me of the night sky.

I've always wanted a MmM piece, but I didn't see much on the market that SPOKE to me besides the infamous Iron Gate. I was really glad when Royal Gate was released because I actually like it better. I love flocked deisgns. It gives an extra element of texture to the textile. RIP me ever getting a good picture of how amazing it looks though. The dress is not gray. I just had to fiddle with the color settings a lot to show the detail of the flocking.


I put all of my tops into one photo for ease of posting and because most of my tops are fairly basic and I use them for multiple outfits.

Top (Left to Right)
1. Aliexpress | 2. BtSSB (Unknown) | 3. BtSSB | 4. Angelic Pretty | 5. Angelic Pretty
Middle (Left to Right)
1. Tra La La (Liz Lisa sister brand) | 2. IW | 3. IW
Bottom (Left to Right)
1. Fan+Friend | 2. Taobao | 3. Taobao | 4. Aliexpress

Hair Accessories

I don't have links for everything because some items are offbrand and their product pages have expired in the time since I've bought them. 

As you can see, I've got a mix of sources here. I like to have options and try things that maybe brands haven't quite gotten to yet, or coordinate pieces outside of the full sets. (Though I still love full sets, too! I own almost every Musée du Chocolat item. lol) I like the collaboration between the community and brands where sometimes trends are dictated by brands and other times trends come from us.

... And who doesn't love cheap accessories? Ammirite? 

Top (Left to Right)
1. Unknown 2. Taobao 3. Angelic Pretty 4. Taobao 5. Taobao
2nd Row (Left to Right)
1. AatP | 2. Angelic Pretty | 3. Antique Beast | 4. AatP | 5. Taobao
3rd Row (Left to Right)
1. Surface Spell | 2. Surface Spell | 3. Taobao | 4. Aliexpress | 5. AatP
4th Row (Left to Right)
1. Bodyline | 2. AatP | 3. Taobao | 4. IW | 5. Handmade
5th Row (Left to Right)
1. Taobao | 2. BtSSB | 3. Taobao | 4. Forever 21 | 5. Taobao
6th Row (Left to Right)
1. Forever 21 | 2. Ank Rouge | 3. Ank Rouge | 4. Angelic Pretty | 5. Angelic Pretty
1. MouMouMou


Top (Left to Right)
1. IW | 2. BtSSB | 3. Taobao
2nd Row (Left to Right)
1. BtSSB | 2. Angelic Pretty | 3. BtSSB
3rd Row (Left to Right)
1. Angelic Pretty | 2. Aliexpress | 3. BtSSB
1. ModCloth